Refining the project footprint

Since commencing the assessment process we have made several changes to the project in response to study outcomes and ongoing engagement. These will deliver improved environmental and social outcomes that include:

Reducing the total amount of clearing by 950 hectares

Increasing the distance between Jarrahdale townsite and future proposed mining by creating a ~2,600 hectare mining avoidance zone

Reducing the size of the Myara North infrastructure corridor by 3,599 hectares

Moving mine infrastructure further away from the Dwellingup townsite

Maintaining public access to many recreational facilities and surrounding tracks and trails

Ensuring 100 per cent of bauxite mined is refined at our WA refineries to support local jobs and economies

alumina ltd shoot

Transitioning to future mining regions

Changes to the assessment timeline have resulted in a need for us to revise our proposed future mining schedule.

While mining was planned to start in the Myara North mine region, we now propose to start mining in the northern portion of the Holyoake mine region around mid-2027.

This will help ensure the ongoing supply of bauxite to our refineries while the essential mine infrastructure for Myara North is constructed.

The northern portion of Holyoake is adjacent to existing mining activities and will enable us to use the associated haul road network to access bauxite.

The area is approximately 13 kilometres northeast of Dwellingup townsite and sits well outside the 8,344-hectare Dwellingup mining avoidance zone Alcoa established in 2023.

We expect to commence mining in Myara North in the first half of 2028, with mining to occur in both regions concurrently from this time.

Mining in any parts of Holyoake and Myara North remain subject to State and Commonwealth environmental approvals - meaning no infrastructure construction or mining will commence until these approvals have been received.


Holyoake DE Map