Community Engagement

We place high importance on stakeholder consultation and take pride in our proactive approach to community engagement.

Community Updates

We keep the community informed of our latest activities by regularly publishing Community Updates, which are also emailed to our community database.

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Community Open House Sessions

We hosted three open house sessions in late-May 2024, inviting local community members to learn about a potential strategy to fill the mine pit and hear the latest on rehabilitation of the former mine and power station sites.

The community events followed three years’ worth of technical work, exploring the possibility of using groundwater to fast-track filling the mine pit within the next decade, rather than remain restricted for what could be 50 years at the current natural fill pace.

A total of 102 members of the local community dropped in to the sessions, taking up the opportunity to discuss the technical findings with representatives from the Alcoa team and their technical experts.

A summary report of the feedback received throughout the sessions is published and available for viewing below.

Community Engagement for Future Land Use

The process to develop future land use plans began with establishing guiding principles, developed with the community and key stakeholders. At each stage of consultation, we published a community engagement report outlining the feedback received and how the feedback helped shape the plans.

Read more about future land planning

Alcoa Community Consultation Network Meetings

In 2001, we established the Alcoa Community Consultation Network (CCN) comprising local residents, land and business owners, community groups, Surf Coast Shire Council representatives and Victorian government departments and agencies such as Earth Resources Regulation, DELWP and EPA Victoria.

Groundwater Pumping Test Updates

Filling the mine pit with water is a key enabler to finalise the Anglesea Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Plan. To further investigate using groundwater to support the long-term filling strategy, we completed a groundwater pumping test in 2022. During the test we published monthly updates.