February 01, 2017

Early surrender of Alcoa lease land in Anglesea

The Great Otway National Park will increase in size by more than 6,510 hectares, when the environmentally important Anglesea Heath is added to the park, thanks to the early surrender of land by Alcoa.

Alcoa’s Director of Asset Planning and Management John Osborne said Alcoa’s long-standing relationship with the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning, Parks Victoria and the Anglesea Heath Consultative Committee has ensured the management and protection of the Anglesea Heath’s conservation values for many years.

“Alcoa is pleased that those values, and the Heath, will continue to be enjoyed by the people of Victoria, and especially the Anglesea community, for generations to come,” Mr Osborne said.

Alcoa shut down its Anglesea operations in August 2015 and is actively progressing the remediation and decommissioning of the site.

Alcoa will continue to lease 787 hectares of Crown land to complete its obligations for the revised Mine Closure Plan, due for submission to Victorian Government’s Earth Resources Regulation in May 2017.


Media contact: Kate Betts, kate.betts@alcoa.com.au 0400 209 497

About Alcoa

Alcoa (NYSE: AA) is a global industry leader in bauxite, alumina and aluminum products, with a strong portfolio of value-added cast and rolled products and substantial energy assets. Alcoa is built on a foundation of strong values and operating excellence dating back nearly 130 years to the world-changing discovery that made aluminum an affordable and vital part of modern life. Since inventing the aluminum industry, and throughout our history, our talented Alcoans have followed on with breakthrough innovations and best practices that have led to efficiency, safety, sustainability and stronger communities wherever we operate. Visit us online on www.alcoa.com, follow @Alcoa on Twitter and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Alcoa